Everybody knows that insulating your home’s attic is a great way to keep your home warmer during Virginia’s damp and cold winters. But did you also know that attic insulation works to keep your home cooler during the hot summer months? And that the right insulation could help you cut your monthly energy bills all year long?

When your furnace kicks on in the winter your home heats up and you feel nice and cozy – for a little while. But eventually the warmth goes away and your furnace has to start up again, costing you more money each time. Where does that warm air go?

Almost half of it escapes through your walls and ceilings. According to the National Society of Heating and Ventilation Engineers, about 44% of the energy generated to heat or cool your home is lost through walls and ceilings that are inadequately insulated.

A poorly insulated attic not only leads to higher energy costs, but it also can lead to constant temperature fluctuations that can be very uncomfortable for your family. Proper attic insulation saves you money year after year, over time helping to pay for itself in lower heating and cooling costs.

But if you think rolling out a sheet of pink fiberglass is going to do the job, think again. The “batt” style of insulation leaves too many gaps and does not significantly increase the R-value of your home enough to make a difference. Truly helpful insulation requires blown-in insulation that fills every gap and provides an effective layer between your home and the cold.

With the colder winter months creeping towards us, now is the time to properly insulate your home. Insulating in the Fall will ensure that your home will be ready for the chill-inducing winds and falling temperatures ahead. Your home deserves nothing less than NV Roofing’s expert insulation service, give us a call and set up a FREE estimate today.