Does your insurance policy cover roof damage? The best way to know what's covered and what's not is to ask your insurance provider. Insurance companies cover roof and exterior property damage differently, and sometimes, they wouldn't even be willing compensate you for what is obviously listed in their coverage. Case in point: A Nicholas County couple sues West Virginia Insurance Company (WVIC) for rejecting their claim for damages.

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According to a complaint filed on May 20,2013 in Kanawha Circuit Court, Super Storm Sandy damaged the residence of Ralph and Jennifer Meadows on October 30, 2012. The couple claimed that heavy snow and ice from the storm was what caused the damage. After filing a claim with WVIC, the couple says that their insurance company denied their claim and asserted that the damage was not caused by the storm, but by sub-standard construction., West Virginia's legal journal, provides this information about the case:

At no time did WVIC point to any policy provision that supported its denial of the plaintiffs’ claim on the grounds it asserted, according to the suit.

The plaintiffs claim WVIC acted in bad faith and maliciously pre-determined to deny their claim, totally ignoring facts, legal precedent and WVIC’s own policy language.

WVIC also acted in bad faith by breaching its contract with the plaintiffs, according to the suit.

The plaintiffs are seeking compensatory damages with pre- and post-judgment interest. They are being represented by Christopher J. Heavens of Heavens Law Offices and William A. McCourt Jr. of Losch & McCourt PLLC.

The case has been assigned to Circuit Judge Paul Zakaib Jr.

Most roof insurance policies provide coverage for damage caused by vandalism, fire, and natural disasters such as hurricane or tornadoes. Unfortunately, there are so many factors that determine if roof damage will be covered that the entire process can send an average homeowner's head in a spin. Thankfully, despite what your insurance company may decide,you can still trust Fairfax roof repair contractors like NV Roofing Company to address your roofing needs.

Although the case happened in the adjacent state of West Virginia, it's no guarantee that the same thing won't happen to you. After all, an insurance company's primary goal is to make money. Take comfort in the fact that whatever roof problems you may have, leading Fairfax, VA roof repair companies can handle it, and even provide you with the needed assistance when it comes to making insurance claims.

(Info from Nicholas County Couple Sue Over Super Storm Sandy Claim Denial, The West Virginia Record, May 31, 2013)